Face it; our handheld devices are among the dirtiest things we carry daily. Our hands constantly touch our phones, we hand our phones to everyone to look at photos, and guys, yes, we use our phones while in the bathroom. We are making the cell phone one of the dirtiest objects in our immediate world.

How do we deal with that and do our best to keep our phones free of bacteria and viruses around us? In walks a tabletop handheld device disinfecting machine, the PhoneSoap Go. PhoneSoap is a device that disinfects your mobile device inside of it with UV-C light.

The folks at PhoneSoap sent me one of their white PhoneSoap Go units – which I am pretty impressed with as it is solid with some heft to it and comes in a beautiful zippered travel case. While they tell me it is more for traveling, I find that I am using it more at home as a fixture on my kitchen counter. I can easily slip my Samsung Galaxy phone into it, touch the top to light up the blue electric zap symbol, and in ten minutes, it will have disinfected the device.

Does it recharge your phone? If you use your charging cable, a USB-A, or a UBS-C cord, you can plug into the phone, run through the channel, and either plug into the 5V 2.1 amp USB outlet built into the PhoneSoap Go unit or an external power source. Unfortunately, the PhoneSoap Go does not have a built-in wireless or induction charger.

Open up the unit, and it looks like a tanning bed. With a clear plastic shield on both the top and bottom of the clamshell case and running down the middle is what looks like an old slim long halogen lamp bulb. – The UV light is not turned on while the PhoneSoap Go unit is open, only when closed and activated. Although I admit, I did take a peek and open the unit a slit to see, and it does light up inside once closed and activated.

The unit has three ports on the back, one a round input power port that recharges it when plugged in with the supplied cord to a USB-A outlet. The unit weighs one pound 5 ounces and 1 pound ten ounces with the case and charge cord. The PhoneSoap Go takes about two hours to charge fully. That will supply you with up to 45 disinfection cycles and four wired recharge times.

Here is an unboxing video and my initial thoughts on the PhoneSoap Go product on YouTube.
Please note I was supplied this PhoneSoap Go unit to try out and share with my Queer4Travel audience. I am not being compensated for this article or video other than receiving the team free of charge.